About Us
The Sunland Village Computer and Technology Club is a non-profit organization, created to help interested members become more proficient in the comprehension and use of technology at the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. This includes: training, information sharing, mutual assistance, interactive question and answer sessions, problem solving, identification of useful apps & resources, and discussions about, developments in computer hardware, devices, software and new technology.
We meet weekly on Wednesdays 1-3pm throughout the season (Oct thru Apr) at Capri Hall. During the off-season we meet alternating weeks. Check our "Events Calendar" page for meeting details.
2022-2023 Officers
President: Kathy Simmons
Vice President: Brent Cooke
Secretary: Dave Mack
Treasurer: Mick Simmons
Member At Large: Lynn Conlon
Last Updated: Oct 21, 2022